10 Practical Tips to Get Your Homeschool Started (Totally Free!)

Beginning your homeschool can be an overwhelming task. When I started on our homeschooling journey I had two toddlers, a baby on the way and in the process of a massive international move! Homeschooling while packing, living in hotels and having a baby was a whirlwind to say the least. From time management and curriculum…

5 Best Homeschool Blogs for 2022

5 Best Homeschool Blogs for 2022

These are my favorite blogs to follow for homeschool tips and tricks. They offer great advice and support around homeschooling and implementing Montessori into your homeschooling. TheHomeschoolMom.com I loved this article from TheHomeschoolMom.com because it offers practical advice for new homeschooling parents for setting boundaries around at-home learning, but also helpful tips and reminders to…

14 Reasons Our Homeschool Adventure Was Designed for You

14 Reasons Our Homeschool Adventure Was Designed for You

A mom looking to begin your homeschool journey A new homeschooler Homeschool mom looking for help with making a routine and organizing the day at home with your kids Looking to implement Montessori into your homeschooling Looking for tips to teach your kids Arabic Looking for ways to make Montessori work on a limited budget…

5 Things I Want To Help My Audience With

5 Things I Want To Help My Audience With

Help moms get started with homeschooling Where to start. Supplies needed. A step by step guide to preparing your homeschool rhythm and environment – builds discipline, keep kids engaged. Making goals. 2. Help moms bring the Montessori method into their homeschooling in a practical way Getting started with Montessori – pedagogy, mindset, transformation of the…