10 Practical Tips to Get Your Homeschool Started (Totally Free!)
Beginning your homeschool can be an overwhelming task. When I started on our homeschooling journey I had two toddlers, a baby on the way and in the process of a massive international move! Homeschooling while packing, living in hotels and having a baby was a whirlwind to say the least. From time management and curriculum choices to lesson planning and preparing there was a lot I had to figure out along the way. Keep reading to see my 10 most practical tips for getting your homeschool started today!
Homeschooling is Hard
Over the years, so many moms have opened up to me about their love for the idea of homeschooling but how impractical and difficult it seems to actually get started and continue over the years. I’m here to tell you it’s not nearly as difficult as it seems. With the right approach and systems in place homeschooling can be a very manageable endeavor.
Homeschooling is NOT School at Home
A lot of families feel homeschooling is difficult because they think it means recreating “school” at home, but in reality homeschooling is anything but that! If anyone had to recreate the school system at home it would be an incredibly overwhelming task. Depending on where you are in the world there may be some regulations you have to meet, but overall you’re in full control of your child and how the day unfolds. That much freedom can be overwhelming too, but I’m here to help you see with the right foundation built in the beginning you can be off to a great start on your homeschooling journey and it won’t cost you a dime!
10 Practical Tips to Get Your Homeschool Started

Tip 1: Keep It Simple
That’s right, simple! Remember, you’re not recreating a school. Your child doesn’t need to be seated at the table all day studying. Although you will need supplies, you don’t need ALL the things. Be intentional about your time, what your child is learning and the materials you bring into your home for that purpose.
Tip 2: Be Wary of Social Media
Social media is a great tool to connect with other homeschoolers, gather inspiration and get help and advice when needed. If you find yourself falling into the rat race of recreating someone else’s Instagram page, or feeling less adequate because you’re not at the same point as someone else on this journey, then it might be time to take a break and put that phone in the closet.
Tip 3: Set Goals
First, sit down with yourself and think about your homeschool. What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve? What do you want your children to learn? What are your priorities? Next, sit down with your children and ask them the same questions. What do they want to learn? What do they want out of homeschooling? Set goals for yourself as the homeschooling mom but also with your children because they are a part of this process, too.

Tip 4: Dedicate Time
I highly recommend you block out a time everyday for your homeschooling. For my family this is a three-hour work cycle, but for yours maybe it’s one or two hours, or even a half hour! Evaluate the daily rhythm in your family to determine the best time to block out time for homeschooling. This will bring discipline and order to home learning that is important especially as kids adjust to learning at home full-time.
Tip 5: Dedicate Space
Create a dedicated space in your home for the materials, the lessons and all the fun. For some this might be a whole separate room while for other it might mean an extra bookshelf in the dining room. Evaluate your space and see where setting up a homeschool space will work best for you and the needs of your family.

Tip 6: Get Organized
Homeschooling can come with a lot of papers, books, records, materials and so much more, but it also takes up more of your time. Getting your home and yourself organized is a huge investment in your homeschooling, and I promise you will appreciate it later. Make that kitchen super functional, clear out those closets filled with clutter, tie up all those loose strings in your life, and most importantly organize your days by getting your daily tasks streamlined so you can make that space in your day for homeschooling.
Tip 7: Observe
Get to know your children by observing them. If we want to meet our children’s needs and create an engaging learning experience then we need to really know them. Observation is a skill to be learned and one that takes years to perfect, but I am sure after just a few weeks of carefully stepping back and observing your children you will feel much more connected to them and can tailor your plans to their learning needs and interests.

Tip 8: Keep Notes
Keeping notes of your observations during learning time, or just during day-to-day life, really helps when it comes to planning. I keep a notebook for each of my children with my observation notes and also notes from our weekly meetings. My notes are the backbone to all my plans.
Tip 9: Explore
You may have your heart set on a curriculum and teaching method already, but if you’re not totally sold consider exploring your options. There are many different teaching strategies and curriculums out there. Do your research, talk to other homeschool moms, and read books to learn about the approach you hope to take. There is no rush to make a decision. Take your time and enjoy the process.
Tip 10: Be Flexible
As we all very well know as parents, things often don’t go according to plan. Look at your plans as a guide rather than a weekly checklist. Follow your child’s lead on this learning journey and relax. Leave the worry aside and just go with the flow on this wild ride!
Take It Slow
I hope these tips are helpful as you prepare for your new homeschooling journey! It can all seem like a lot but if we just slow down and take it in small steps it becomes much more attainable. If we want to have a successful homeschool we need to put in the personal investment first and build that strong foundation. Any other suggestions for new homeschoolers? Leave a comment below!