Top Ten Affordable Products for Beginning Your Homeschool

As a new homeschooler, it can be overwhelming to figure out what you need to start. Looking at social media can have us feeling like we need it all, but the reality is to begin your homeschool you really don’t need much. I am a firm believer that less is more and encourage careful and conscious shopping, especially when it comes to homeschooling. However, there are some items that are important and useful when starting out as a new homeschooler. Below you will find my recommendations for the best products to buy when beginning your homeschool.

What Exactly Do You Need to Homeschool?

Many parents feel homeschooling is a huge financial undertaking. When we see the perfectly curated homeschool environments on Instagram, it can make us feel like we must recreate it to have a successful homeschool experience. However, we do not need much to homeschool our children and many of the items we need are already in our homes, and if we don’t have them, they are affordable to buy – new or used.

It’s Doesn’t Have To Be Overwhelming

To begin your homeschool, you need to setup your homeschooling space. Perhaps that will be the living room or dining room, or maybe you have the space for a dedicated homeschool room. Wherever you decide to setup your homeschool space, keep it simple! There are just a few essentials you need to begin your homeschool journey – and no, it’s not a curriculum! – to help keep things organized and not overwhelming. As you are setting up your space, ask yourself, “Where will I keep the books, the pencils, school supplies?” “How will we keep our day organized and use our time effectively?” “What do I need to prepare lessons and materials?”

The Best Products to Begin Your Homeschool

Organize Materials


Having a few good bookshelves helps keep books and materials organized.

Organize Your Week

Family Wall Calendar

Having a large whiteboard calendar helps keep everyone on the same page with plans, routine and schedule.

Organize Your Day

Weekly Academic Planner

It is really important to have your days planned out to keep a steady pace and prevent overwhelm.

Organize Paperwork

File Organizer

Homeschooling comes with a lot of paperwork, so it’s best to keep everything well organized from the start

Best Overall


One of the most important items in your homeschool is a good printer. By printing your own materials you can save a ton of money and with an ecotank printer the ink will last for months!

  • Save on printing costs
  • Print own materials
  • EcoTank ink lasts for months
Best Reference Books


I just love DK encyclopedias! They have amazing images filled with detail and the text is informative and accurate. A great resource for all families!

Best Folders

Paper Folders

It may same basic, but paper folders are so important when homeschooling. This helps all items (even worksheets!) have a specific place to go and not get mixed up.

A Place to Study

Table and Chairs

Another basic but very important item! Having a dedicated space to give lessons or complete work is a must.

A Cozy Place to Work

Floor Table

Floor or laptop tables are a great way to build a little cozy place and offer your child flexibility of where and how they would like sit to do work,

Best School Supplies Organizer

Desk Organizer

All those crayons, pencils, glue sticks and more need a dedicated space in your homeschool. This organizer is great for easy access and clean up of supplies, and plus, it spins!

Common Questions about Beginning Homeschooling

  • Keep purchases purposeful and buy slowly
  • Develop a firm understanding of your lessons and learning plan to prevent buying supplies you do not need
  • If it’s cheaper to DIY, then make it!
  • First of all, check this post!
  • Evaluate your environment for homeschooling, what do you already have that can be repurposed
  • Plan out and study your lessons so you know the materials you definitely need
  • If it’s cheaper to DIY, then make it!
  • Do not impulse buy, delay purchases to be sure they are necessary

In order to prevent buying unnecessary items it comes down to two main things – organization and knowing your lesson plans. By keeping your home organized, you know exactly what you have and can repurpose items throughout your homeschool journey. When it comes to lesson plans, know them and practice them, so you can be sure you need the supplies you think you need.

Homeschooling Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

I’m a firm believer that with careful planning and preparation homeschooling expenses can be manageable and affordable. The biggest mistake I find parents making is buying products they think they need or that buying more stuff will fix their child’s learning problems or difficulties. Now while there are some great items out there, it’s very important to educate yourself and buy only what you truly need.

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